Join today and get a $20 Sobeys gift card!
Until December 15, join with promo code CAASOBEYS for free enrollment AND receive a $20 Sobeys gift card*. That means you can get your CAA Classic membership for only $8.25** per month! Why not share the safety and savings. Add someone you live with for less than $2.75** per month.
There's a membership for everyone
Looking for amazing discounts and exclusive member offers but don't need roadside assistance? Get our Everyday membership for under $30/year! All the CAA benefits for those who don't need roadside.
Members save at:
*One gift card per household
**All CAA memberships are purchased on an annual basis and the price of $8.25 per month with optional $2.75 per month associate, taxes excluded, is for a 12-month term. By choosing monthly payments, you authorize us to charge your credit card for the amount due each month for a 12-month period. Every year, at renewal time, we will send you a billing statement to remind you of this arrangement and show changes (if any) to amounts for the upcoming year. Your authorization remains in effect for each 12-month membership year and can be canceled at the end of each membership year by you or CAA. Monthly Payment Plan pricing shown includes $12.00 Annual surcharge. Prices shown do not include applicable tax. Price based on Classic level of coverage. The vehicle will be towed to the responding facility, a facility on the return route, or to any destination you choose within 10km. Members are allowed five calls per year. Additional calls are subject to a service charge. Other coverage options are available.