CAA members save up to 15%*
Are you travelling out of your province? Or out of the country?
An unforeseen situation can lead to out-of-pocket expenses even while travelling within Canada. CAA Travel Insurance offers unique options for those travelling within Canada and beyond, plus CAA members can save on rates! Learn more about CAA Travel Insurance below or reach out to a Travel Advisor.
Take the stress out of travelling, make sure you're covered.

Because we know things can happen

CAA coverage always includes:
Emergency dental expenses

Emergency return of vehicle

Emergency family transportation

Emergency medical repatriation

Escort and return of insured children

Medical coverage up to $5 million** (CAD)

CAA membership has its advantages
Members save up to 15% on travel insurance*

Unique options for travelling within Canada

One year of travel coverage for one low cost

COVID19 Coverage Endorsement
Important Notice: CAA Travel Insurance emergency medical plans now include up to $2.5 million CAD if partially vaccinated, or up to $5 million CAD if fully vaccinated, for COVID-19 related illnesses that may occur when travelling at a time when the Canadian government has issued a related Level 3 travel advisory (i.e. Avoid non-essential travel”).
Please read the Level 3 Travel Advisory COVID Coverage Endorsement for the COVID-19 vaccinations requirements that must be met before departure, to be eligible for this coverage.