Privacy Policy

CAA Privacy Policy

A Matter of Privacy - All information you provide to CAA is for your CAA club use only.  All information will remain confidential and will not be sold to a third party.



CAA Atlantic Limited's ongoing commitment to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is addressed in this Privacy Policy. Our policy complies with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada, the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

The Privacy Policy explains our commitment to respect and protect your personal information. We want you to know why we need your personal information, how the confidentiality of this information is protected, and how you can find out what information concerning you is recorded.

This policy applies to CAA Atlantic Limited and its affiliates which are collectively hereafter referred to as “CAA Atlantic”.


CAA Atlantic is responsible for your personal information under its control. We have appointed a Chief Privacy Officer who is accountable for the Club’s compliance to this Privacy Policy.

Identifying Purposes

We will identify the purposes for which personal information is collected by us at or before the time the information is collected.

Your File:  Personal information is the information that relates to you, that identifies you as a Member or customer of CAA Atlantic, and that allows us to provide services and benefits directly to you. We ask you for your personal information so that we can:

  • understand your needs.
  • determine your admissibility for our products and services.
  • inform you about our products and services that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • comply with the law.

Of course, you can choose not to provide us with some (or all) of your personal information. However, this choice may prevent us from providing you with a product, service, or information that you requested or that could be offered to you.


Your knowledge and consent are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information. We only collect, use, or disclose personal information for purposes we believe you would consider appropriate under the circumstances. When you become a Member of CAA Atlantic, we will use your name and address for general mailing and renewal purposes. We believe you would also expect us to contact you to advise you of new and existing services and benefits being offered by CAA Atlantic and its partners that may be of interest to you. From time to time, we will inform you of such services and benefits via direct marketing including email communications. For more information on our Email Policy, please see the CAA Atlantic Consumer Email Policy.

You may choose not to receive these offers and have your name deleted from our direct marketing lists.  Should you not wish to receive promotional materials from CAA or any of its subsidiaries and/or partners, simply contact CAA Atlantic and request that your name be removed from our offer-distribution lists:

  • Call us at 1-800-561-8807
  • Send us an email at
  • Visit your nearest CAA Member Service Centre

Third-Party Disclosure: The names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers and any other contact information of our Members may be transmitted to a trusted third-party service to inform you of products and services that we offer (or that we and our partners jointly offer) and that we believe may interest you. Depending on the circumstances, we may require our partners to have a policy in place that complies with the requirements of applicable federal or provincial privacy legislation in Canada and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

Except as set out in this policy, or as required by law, CAA Atlantic does not sell or disclose any of your personal information to any other organization and CAA Atlantic will not transmit personal information to third parties without first obtaining your written consent to do so. CAA Atlantic may, however, disclose information in the following cases:

  • to our lawyer.
  • to a police force, if required by law.
  • to a person authorized by a law or collective agreement.
  • to a government agency which can oblige us to do so.
  • in emergency situations in which the life, health or safety of a customer is in danger.
  • to all other persons authorized by law.
  • to an authorized contractor providing service to you.
  • to another person for the development, enhancement, marketing, or provision of any of CAA Atlantic’s products or services on our behalf that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • to credit grantors and reporting agencies.
  • to a person who, in the reasonable judgment of CAA Atlantic, is seeking information as your agent.
  • a third party or parties, where the Member or customer consents to such disclosure.

Limiting Collection

We only collect the information that we need to deliver services and benefits to you. We do not use techniques to collect personal information about you without your knowledge.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

We do not use or disclose your personal information for any purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with your consent or as required by law.

Retention: Your personal information is retained only if necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes. CAA Atlantic does not keep your personal information if it is no longer needed for the purposes required or as required by law.


Your personal information is kept as accurate, complete, and up to date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.


We protect your personal information by using safeguards that are appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Our Employees’ Responsibilities

Each of our employees is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information to which they have access to. We keep our employees informed about our policies and procedures for protecting personal information. Where necessary, our employees are required to sign agreements to keep your personal information confidential.

Keeping Your Personal Information Confidential

Your personal information is secure within CAA Atlantic. We have comprehensive security controls to protect against non-authorized access, use, alteration, duplication, destruction, or disclosure.

  • We may use other partners to offer products and services. These partners never have access to our list of Members/customers. We always use the services of a third party specialized in mailing list treatment, with which a confidentiality agreement has been signed beforehand.
  • Our safeguards protect personal information against loss or theft, regardless of the format in which it is held.
  • We have strict procedures in place with respect to destroying, deleting, or disposing of personal information when it is no longer required for the purposes set out in this policy, or by law.

CAA Atlantic is fully certified by PCI (Payment Cards International), an industry association of leading credit and debit card providers who require the highest levels of payment card security. The PCI Security Standards are designed to protect payment card data within merchant and service provider environments and require appropriate and stringent measures to protect any systems that stores, and/or transmit cardholder data. Along with in-person or ecommerce environments, the PCI Standards apply to organizations with call center operations where credit card information is processed over the phone.


We will make our complete policies and practices relating to the management of your personal information readily available to you.

Member/Customer Access

Upon request in writing, you will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and you will be given access to that information. We will assist any Member/customer who informs us that they need assistance in preparing a request concerning personal information. You may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

Do-Not-Market Lists

CAA Atlantic ensures that any Members who request to be excluded from extended marketing programs as offered by CAA Atlantic and its partners are placed in an internal do-not-market list. These lists are maintained internally; any outbound marketing initiatives are first purged against these lists based on the type of program and/or product/service being offered.

In addition to the CAA Atlantic’s internal Do-Not-Market lists, CAA Atlantic also subscribes to external Do-Not-Market lists:

For New Member Acquisition campaigns, CAA Atlantic will purge against the CMA   Do-Not-Mail list of Canadian consumers who do not wish to receive direct mail packages.

CAA Atlantic is a full subscriber to the Canadian National Do-Not-Call list for telemarketing purposes. We not only meet the requirement for the legislation, but we exceed it. We purge against this list for all telemarketing programs. While the legislation does not require CAA to purge against the list for any marketing of CAA Programs (as the Member is a part of the organization and has done business with us in the last 12 months), we do it in any case.

Accessing Your Personal Information File

If you wish to review or verify the personal information in your file or find out to whom we have disclosed it, you can do so by writing to us at the following address:

Chief Privacy Officer
P.O. Box 310
378 Westmorland Road
Saint John, N.B.
E2L 3Y2

Or fax us at

Or e-mail us at

CAA Atlantic has thirty (30) days to reply to a request for access to a file. CAA Atlantic can refuse access to a file in certain circumstances.

Accuracy of Your File

You can ask to delete or correct any information contained in your file. The request for correction must be made by writing to us, either by mail at the above-mentioned mailing address, or by fax at the above-mentioned number, or by e-mail at the above-mentioned e-mail address. CAA Atlantic has thirty (30) days to reply.

Challenging Compliance

You can address any challenge concerning our compliance with this Policy to our Chief Privacy Officer.